Monday, February 11, 2008

Whoa! It's the big $7,000!

Yep, it's true! I finally hit 7,000 this week! Only 29,000 more to go...hahaha only...right. Well I think I've finally figured out a way to get the money I need to finish it off:

I'm going to make a scale model of the harp I want. I'll get a picture and blow it up to actual size and attach it to some foam core, cardboard, etc. Then I'll put price tags on things, such as the 7 pedals, the 47 strings 1/2 of the column, etc. and have people purchase parts of my harp for me. Once they "purchase" them I'll make each person a little certificate saying, "So-and-so bought 5 strings for Hannah's harp on this date. Thank you for your support!" Just for a little memento and to say that they kind of own that part of my harp.
Then I'll print up the Top 10 Reasons that I want a new harp and have that displayed at church. However many Sundays I do this, I'll get up in front of each service and inform people of the progress and to thank them for their continued support. Once I get the harp, I'll do a 'thank-you' concert for the church.

Praise God for this idea!!
Hopefully things can get rolling now!

-Hannah :]